Life Update: Law School & ✨Adulthood ✨

Life Update: Law School & ✨Adulthood ✨

Woah girlies it’s been more than a minute since we last spoke. I can’t believe it’s already October aka Spooky Season! Law school has a way of making time seem slow when you want to speed up and fast when you want to slow down. And the only reason I’m able to write this post is that I’m on fall break, and I knew I had to squeeze some time in to update you all on life as it is now.

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There is Abundant Life After Disappointment 

There is Abundant Life After Disappointment 

Why God? Why are things not going my way? Why are other people getting opportunities over me? Why are doors slamming in my face? Why does no one believe in me? I know we’ve all grappled with these questions. I know I have. It can feel near impossible to feel grateful when your hopes are going unfulfilled.

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